BKB Precision works with High QA

To ensure that quality control within the production process of plastics processing runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible, we work with the High QA software package ‘Inspection Manager’: an innovative quality management system (QMS) which enables us to automate most of the internal production and quality processes. 

The purchase was necessary because we wanted to continue meeting the evolving quality standards of our customers. This means we can provide high-quality products in the high-mix, low-volume, high-complexity segment at a competitive price.

With High QA, we can:

  • extract information from 2D drawings and automated ballooning. With this information, we can create a complete list of properties for the component;
  • generate inspection plans automatically using the extracted data. This applies to both the ongoing process and the final inspection;
  • automatically extract the measured values generated and add them manually if necessary;
  • analyse results in real time and monitor control limits;
  • do most of the internal quality control process automatically and share the resulting data with customers and partners in our supply chain.

Benefits of High QA

In time, measurements obtained using High QA will be made digitally available to the company and customers anytime and anywhere. Data from the automated quality control process can therefore be easily shared with partners in the supply chain, which will minimize manual, labour-intensive tasks. 

The measurements can also be analysed, so that developments and performance issues can be anticipated in time and errors avoided or eliminated. 

BKB Precision is at the forefront of this trend in generating measurements digitally in the plastics machining industry.

Statistical Process Control will become increasingly important in the future 

To monitor the quality of the production process in the industry, Shewhart developed various statistical methods which led to the development of the SPC field. 

Statistical Process Control (SPC) instruments are indispensable for the manufacturing industry because they enable the prompt monitoring of the process, which makes it possible to continuously implement improvements to eliminate anticipated disruptions. 

The challenge within the high-mix, low-volume, high-complexity market is to obtain enough accurate measurements for reliable statistics. High QA can help us with that in the future. 

Benefits to our customers

Quality is our top priority. And a lot happens behind the scenes to maintain that high level of quality. High QA software is an important tool when it comes to quality assurance for our customers. 

An important aspect of being a supplier to the high-tech industry is for our customers to have certainty about what we supply. It helps us to be transparent about our skills and performance and makes us an important pillar of our customers’ market position. 

After all, they must be able to count on the reliability and consistent capacity of their suppliers. BKB Precision knows that and has made another great step with High QA.